


SALT is the evangelism and community service ministry of Progressive Community Church.  It consists of a body of believers used by God to act as a preserving and curing agent to a spoiling world (Matthew 5:13).


This ministry aims to train believers how to lovingly, intelligently, and competently engage the culture for Christ by acting like SALT.

Fourfold Action Plan

 Share (Evangelism) – Acts 1:8

 Answer (Apologetics) – 1 Peter 3:15

 Love (Selflessness) – John 13:34-35

 Teach (Discipleship) – Matthew 28:29-30


Sub-Component Description

Clothes Closet

The Clothes Closet team demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ by providing casual and business attire, shoes and hats, along with various other clothing items for Progressive members and those throughout the community.

Street Soldiers

The sole purpose of Street Soldiers is to share the gospel message throughout the Stockton community with any and all who are willing to converse! The Street Soldiers team infiltrates homes, neighborhoods, parks, malls, mosques, temples, and any other place where the light of Christ needs to shine!


 The Apologetics Ministry exists to help believers grow in their knowledge of worldviews, to build confidence in engaging the culture for Christ and to equip them to give an answer for the hope that lies within them through seminars, lectures and conferences.

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