Bible Study Break Out (Spring 2025)

Classes take place:

April 6 - June 29

The following classes will be offered in Spring of 2025. Please select one class to attend by clicking the class link. Please do not register for more than one class.

The Book of Colossians

This class will examine the significance of Paul’s letter to the Colossian church and us today. With the exaltation of pluralism and tolerance on the rise in today’s culture, we can look to this letter to help us keep Christ at the center in every area of living. Among other topics, join us as we unpack how to live out the Apostle Paul’s charge: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” – Col. 2:8

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Apologetics 101 - Introduction

Welcome to EQUIP! This class is a great first step if you are just getting started in apologetics. 1 Peter 3:15 calls every Christian to become apologetically minded, so why not invite a friend to serve as a study partner and sign up for this course together? Upon completion of this course, you will be equipped to:

- Explain what apologetics is, why it is important, and how it relates to personal faith and evangelism.
- Share three arguments for God’s existence with non-believers.
- Share one argument for the truth of Christianity with non-believers.
- Defend common objections to Christianity: Why doesn’t God stop evil? Isn’t it arrogant to say Jesus is the only way? How can a loving God send people to hell?

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The Holy Sexuality Project

The culture today is shouting that sexuality is whatever one determines it to be. Kids, teens, and young adults are the target audience. Join us as we engage in a gospel-centered video study on sex, sexuality, and gender. In this video series, Dr. Christopher Yuan will cover topics like identity, temptations, desires, singleness, marriage, gender, and more!

The Holy Sexuality Project is designed to be a home discipleship resource for parents. Each week we will facilitate thought-provoking discussions as outlined in the video series. Our goal is to be equipped and encouraged to disciple our kids and thoughtfully engage in this crucial subject matter with those whom God has placed in our sphere of influence. Whether you are a parent/guardian of teens, young adults, or a Christian who wants to be better equipped in this area we invite you to join us.

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